9.4T MRI
High field MRI research has been the focal point of the CFMM since 1994 with research focusing on human neuro imaging on the newly installed 4 Tesla whole body MRI system (1996).
In the fall of 2005 the CFMM took delivery of a state-of-the-art 9.4 Tesla, 31 cm horizontal bore ultra high field animal imaging system, the first of its kind in the world. Driven by a new generation of Varian imaging/spectroscopy console, with three high duty cycle gradient coils, this system offers a wide range of application possibilities.
The 9.4 Tesla Agilent Animal MRI Scanner had 4 transmitters, 4 receivers and upgraded to 16 receivers, and full broad band operation. Driven by a new generation of Agilent imaging/spectroscopy console, and with three high duty cycle gradient coils (21 cm, 12 cm and 6 cm diameter), this system offered a wide range of research possibilities.
In the fall of 2005 the CFMM took delivery of a state-of-the-art 9.4 Tesla, 31 cm horizontal bore ultra high field animal imaging system, the first of its kind in the world. Driven by a new generation of Varian imaging/spectroscopy console, with three high duty cycle gradient coils, this system offers a wide range of application possibilities.
The 9.4 Tesla Agilent Animal MRI Scanner had 4 transmitters, 4 receivers and upgraded to 16 receivers, and full broad band operation. Driven by a new generation of Agilent imaging/spectroscopy console, and with three high duty cycle gradient coils (21 cm, 12 cm and 6 cm diameter), this system offered a wide range of research possibilities.

In the spring of 2018 the system was upgraded to Bruker Avance MRI III console with software package of Paravision-6 (Bruker BioSpin Corp, Billerica, MA), with 2 transmitters, and 8 receivers. A high performance, marmoset optimzied 15-cm gradient coil set of 450mT/m strength was also installed.
A large suite of RF coils were introduced for a variety of applications and animals models, including awake behaving studies involving marmosets and mice.
In the fall of 2022, the CFMM upgraded the 9.4T MRI with the addition of the new Bruker Neo console, with an RF front end consisting of 2 Tx and 8 Rx channels, fully broadband operation and the addition of a Bruker Cryocoil for mouse neuro-imaging applications.
During studies, the animals are consistently monitored during preparation, MRI scanning and recovery. Standard physiologic monitoring includes : respiration rate, heart rate, oxygen saturation and temperature via a controlled feedback warming system.
Anesthetic delivery via Precision Isoflurane Vaporizor-both 100% oxygen and medical air available
Optional injectable anesthetic regimes available upon request
Physiological monitoring provided by SA Instruments, Inc. Model 1025
-Heart rate
-Oxygen saturation (SPO2)
-Respiration rate (via pneumatic pillow)
-Temperature (maintained via warm air blower)
-ECG available
-respiratory and cardiac gating available
Supplemental equipment:
-Warm water circulating blanket Stryker T-Pump Model TP700
-Custom built MRI compatible heating blanket
-MRI compatible syringe pumps (x2) Harvard Apparatus PHD200
-Powerlab 4/20 for trigger outputs
-Master 8 pulse simulator
-Separate surgical suite available upon request
Task-fMRI Devices:
1. Electrical Stimulation
2. Master-8, the programmable stimulator , is an eight channel general purpose stimulator for nerve and muscle stimulation procedures: 8 independent channels, with repetitive, single, and train outputs. Synchronized to produce complex patterns of pulses. Use some channels to stimulate your preparation, while using other channels to trigger other instruments (oscilloscope, PC, etc.) in synchronization with the stimulation.
3. ISO-Flex, the flexible stimulus isolator , used together with Master-8, with current or voltage modes, bipolar pulses, and adjustable amplitudes.
Projector connected to computer playing movie according to designed task. Camera also provided to monitor animal status.
A few of our Team!
2. Master-8, the programmable stimulator , is an eight channel general purpose stimulator for nerve and muscle stimulation procedures: 8 independent channels, with repetitive, single, and train outputs. Synchronized to produce complex patterns of pulses. Use some channels to stimulate your preparation, while using other channels to trigger other instruments (oscilloscope, PC, etc.) in synchronization with the stimulation.
3. ISO-Flex, the flexible stimulus isolator , used together with Master-8, with current or voltage modes, bipolar pulses, and adjustable amplitudes.
Visual stimulation
Projector connected to computer playing movie according to designed task. Camera also provided to monitor animal status.
A few of our Team!
Miranda Bellyou, Anaimal Research and Care Manager (RVT); Alex Li, Research Scientist (Physicist)