Cardiac and Vascular Imaging

beating heart 1beating heart 2


By using different pulse sequences we can help visualize:

  • evaluating the anatomy and function of the heart chambers, valves, size and blood flow through major vessels and surrounding structures such as the pericardium (the fluid sac that surrounds the heart).

  • diagnosing a variety of cardiovascular (heart and/or blood vessel) disorders such as tumors, infections and inflammatory conditions.

  • evaluating the effects of coronary artery disease such as limited blood flow to the heart muscle and scarring within the heart muscle after a heart attack.

  • evaluating the effects of surgical changes, especially in patients with congenital heart disease.

  • Blood flow through the cavities of the heart and great vessels is pulsatile and is subject to time and multidirectional variations. To date, the recording of blood flow in multiple directions and phases has been limited. 4D-flow MRI offers advantages for the recording, visualization and analysis of blood flow.


CFMM Collaborative Studies