The Siemens MAGNETOM Prisma Fit whole-body 3 Tesla MRI scanner is a short-bore magnet, with a 60 cm diameter with full clinical capabilities. The system contains 204 seamlessly integrated coil elements and 64 RF receiver channels, with the ability to scan the full body with a field of view of 50 cm and up to 181 cm in length. The maximum gradient strength is 80 mT/m simultaneous on all 3 axes with a slew rate up to 200 T/m/s, and both active and passive noise reduction technology greatly reduces noise level compared to traditional systems.
3T Scanner Information: Siemens Magnetom Prisma
Fully dynamic parallel transmit with TimTX TrueShape
- Open platform for new MRI applications
- Benchmark magnet homogeneity
- FoV 50x50x50 cm3
- Advanced higher order shim and optional SpectroShim
MAGNETOM Prisma fit offers:
Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
- Up to 514 diffusion directions
- Sensitive to multiple diffusion directions within a voxel
- Potential to characterize crossing fibers
TimTX TrueShape and syngo ZOOMit
- Finest imaging details from the most hidden structures
- High resolution DWI
- DTI Depicting structural CNS connectivity
- Higher specificity in body and multinuclear spectroscopy
Excellent flow sensitivity and time-resolved Angiography with XR 80/200
- Depiction of smaller vessels without contrast with ToF
- Cardiac Flow Imaging
- Advanced Flow Evaluation
3T Prisma Coils
We have both a 32-channel head coil (with the same configuration as our current 32-ch head coil), plus a 64-channel head & neck coil, and 20-channel head & neck coil.
64-Channel Head/Neck
Maximum patient comfort and optimal accessibility (fMRI visual stimulation, eye tracking etc.)
- A rear port for EEG cables to facilitate simultaneous EEG/MR imaging for up to 128 electrodes
- Can be used in combination with spine and body coils for large FoV imaging
- 64 element design with 64 integrated pre-amplifiers
- Upper coil part removable, designed with 24 elements
- Lower coil part usable without upper part, designed with 40 elements
- Detachable double mirror
32-Channel Head Coil
- iPAT-compatible coil for fast high-resolution and advanced neuro imaging.
- Coil design with comfortable open view for visual stimulation experiments and reduction of claustrophobic response
- Detachable double mirror
20-Channel Head/Neck
- iPAT-compatible coil for fast high-resolution and advanced neuro imaging.
- Coil design with comfortable open view for visual stimulation experiments and reduction of claustrophobic response
- Detachable double mirror
Small & Large Flex Coils
Channel Body Matrix Coil (eg. for abdominal and cardiac scanning)
32-Channel Spine Coil
- Integrates with 64-ch head/neck coil or 20-ch head/neck coil
- Can be used alone or with head/neck, flex, and/or body matrix coils.
MSK Coil Package
- Including 15-ch knee, wrist, ankle, and shoulder coils
Peripheral Equipment & Stimulus Devices
- Avotec sV-6011 Rear Projection Video (1024 x 768)
- Sensimetrics S14 Insert Earphones
- Avotec Silent Scan 3000 Audio System
- SHARP XG-PH70X DLP Front Video Projecctor
- AD Instruments PowerLab 16/sp
- Eyelink 1000 eye tracking system
- Siemens Integrated Physiological Monitoring (ECG, Respiratory, and Pulse)
- Current Designs Fibre Optic Response Pads
- 4 button HHSC 1x4 L
- 4 button HHSC 1x4 L
- Dual 4 button HHSC 2x4 L
- 5 button HHSC 1x5 L
Trevor, Oksana, Scott
- Dual 4 button HHSC 2x4 L