• Ravi Menon with Medical Biophysics

    November 06, 2019

    Ravi Menon has been a pioneer in the use of MRI for structural and functional brain imaging. From the landmark demonstration and further development of functional MRI, to pioneering the use of ultra-high field MRI techniques for use in neuroscience and patient care, the groundbreaking neuroscience and neuroimaging advances developed by Menon are used in thousands of universities, research institutes, hospitals around the world today.

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  • Funding: Ontario Research Fund supports early researchers and infrastructure at Western

    October 17, 2019

    Ali Khan is a Core Scientist at CFMM. We are very proud that he got the Research Grant With the Ontario Research Fund.

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  • Student Profile: Dickson Wong

    October 04, 2019

    As our first student of the month profile we have chosen Dickson Wong. Dickson is a Student who just defended his dissertation for his PhD. He has been heavily involved with projects here at CFMM and we are proud of all he has accomplished!

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  • Ravi Menon Named to Royal Society of Canada

    September 11, 2019

    Ravi Menon has been a pioneer in the use of MRI for structural and functional brain imaging. From the landmark demonstration and further development of functional MRI, to pioneering the use of ultra-high field MRI techniques for use in neuroscience and patient care, the groundbreaking neuroscience and neuroimaging advances developed by Menon are used in thousands of universities, research institutes, hospitals and pharma around the world today.

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  • Congratulations to Olivia Stanley and Jason Kai

    August 01, 2019

    Olivia Stanley and Jason Kai have both been awarded with the CONP student Scholar program. This gives both students continued funds to expand their research interests. Olivia is supervised by Ravi Menon and Jason is supervised by Ali Khan, both of whom are CFMM Core Scientists.

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