Funding Opportunities

Note: BrainsCAN core support will end December 31, 2024. The BrainsCAN and CFMM Internal rate reduction program will end and new rates will be in effect January 1, 2025. Please refer to SOP 145 for the updated rate structure.

CFREF BrainsCAN Supported MRI Rates

Through the CFREF BrainsCAN award, the Centre for Functional and Metabolic Mapping (CFMM) supports reduced rates for imaging projects aligned to the broad areas of the CFREF proposal - namely cognitive, computational, clinical, technological and translational approaches required for understanding and intervening in brain function. BrainsCAN's goal is to reduce the burden of brain disorders. The Centre for Functional and Metabolic Mapping (CFMM) at Western’s Robarts Research Institute houses Canada’s only collection of high-field (3T human) and ultra-high field (7T human; 9.4T and 15.2T animal) MR systems. The Centre is dedicated to establishing the anatomical, metabolic and functional characteristics of normal brain development and healthy aging across the lifespan as well as establishing the brain basis of developmental, neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative deficits.

The BrainsCAN rate structure has been determined by the CFMM User Committee. The initial billable rates for BrainsCAN supported users have been set by the user committee at $150/hr on the 3T and 7T scanners and $75/hr on the 9.4T and 15.2T scanner to recover CFMM costs not supported by the CFREF award. BrainsCAN rates are not available for industry sponsored clinical trials and contracts, or studies where uniform rates are negotiated across centres (e.g. ADNI, OBI etc).

Important Resources:




CFMM Internal MRI Rate Funding Application (non-CFREF programs)

To provide a parallel rate for users not engaged in cognitive neuroscience, The CFMM has created a program for users wishing to apply for reduced rates on par with BrainsCAN projects. Reduced Rates are not available for industry projects.


Important Resources: