Ravi Menon's Lab
David Luknowsky (Medical Biophysics), 1995-1997, M.Sc.
1st prize Western Research Forum (1997).
Currently: Software Analyst RCMP/CSIS
Bradley Goodyear (Medical Biophysics), 1995-1999, Ph.D. Postdoctural Fellow 1999-2000
UWO Special Graduate Scholarship holder 1995-1997.
OGS holder 1997-1999.
2nd prize Western Research Forum (1997).
CIHR PDF award (1999), NSERC PDF Award (1999), AHFMR PDF Award (1999)
Currently: Associate Professor at the University of Calgary
Christopher Thomas (Medical Biophysics), 1995-2001, Ph.D.
UWO Special Graduate Scholarship holder 1995-1997.
OGS and RRI Scholarship holder 1997-1999.
Currently: Assistant Professor Radiation Oncology, Dalhousie University
David Luknowsky (Medical Biophysics), 1995-1997, M.Sc.
1st prize Western Research Forum (1997).
Currently: Software Analyst RCMP/CSIS
Francis Graydon (Neuroscience), 1997-2002, Ph.D.
Foreign Fee Waiver (1997)
Cuddy Neuroscience Scholarship (1998-2000)
ATR (Japan) Visiting Fellowship Award (1998)
Currently: Barrister at Clerksroom Chambers, London, UK
Bradley MacIntosh (Medical Biophysics), 1999-2001, M.Sc.
ISMRM Student Travel Award (2001)
Currently:Associate Professor, Dept. of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto
Rob Bartha, Ph.D.,Postdoctoral Fellow 1999-2001
Currently: Scientist with CFMM
Seyed Mirsattari, MD 1995, (Neuroscience), 2000-2004, Ph.D., co-supervisor Dr. Stan Leung.
CIHR Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award (2000-2004)
Currently: Assistant Professor at the University of Western Ontario, Dept. of Clinical & Neurological Sciences
Martyn Klassen (Medical Biophysics), 2000-2005, Ph.D.
NSERC PGSA (2000-2002)
UWO GTS (2000- )
NSERC PDF Award (2006-2007)
Research Scientist, CFMM, Robarts Research Institute
Simona Nikolova (Medical Biophysics), 2000-2006, Ph.D., co-supervisor Dr. Rob Bartha
Currently: Scientist at ViewRay, Inc., Orange County, California
Wijbrand (Pieter) Medendorp, Postdoctoral Fellow 2000-2002
Currently: Director, Donders Centre for Cognition, Nijmegen
Herb Goltz, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow 2000-2003
Currently: Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto,Associate Professor, University of Toronto
Jennifer Steeves, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow 2000-2003
Currently:Professor, York University, Toronto, Associate Dean Research,Director fMRI Research Facility
Robert Nikolov (Pinkerton) (Medical Biophysics), 2002-2006, Ph.D. (reclass. May 1/04)
Currently: Research Associate, University of California
Satheesh Vamanan, Ph.D.,Postdoctoral Fellow 2002-2003
Currently: MRI Lead Systems Engineer, GE Healthcare
Robert Barry (Biomedical Engineering), 2004-2008 PhD.
OGSST (2006-2007)
Currently: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, MGH Martinos Centre
Samuel Oduneye (Biomedical Engineering), 2006-2008, M.Sc.
Currently: Senior Business Analyst, Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services
Andrew Curtis (Medical Biophysics), 2007-2014, Ph.D.
QEII OGSST (2011-2013)
Currently:Research Scientist MRI, Synaptive Medical, Toronto
Zheng Wang, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow 2008-2009
Currently: Director, FMRI Lab, Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
David Rudko (Physics), 2008-2014, Ph.D.
Currently: Assistant Professor, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
Kyle Gilbert, Ph.D., 2008 – 2009
Currently: Scientist with CFMM
Jean-Guy Belliveau (Biomedical Engineering), 2009-2011, M.Sc., 2011-2016, Ph.D.
QEII OGSST (2013-2014); Schmeelk Foundation, $30,000/pa (2014-2015)
Currently: Clinical Assistant Professor, Medical College of Georgia / Augusta University
Matt Quinn (Medical Biophysics), 2010 - 2013, MD/Ph.D.
CIHR Vanier Scholarship (2011-2014)
Currently: Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Ottawa, Canada
Kathryn Manning (Medical Biophysics), 2011-2014, M.Sc., 2014-2018
OGS (2012-2013), NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship-Doctoral (2014-2017); Western Doctoral Excellence Research Awards #10,000/pa (2015-2017) NSERC
Currently: Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Calgary #160;
Ian Connell (Medical Biophysics), 2012-2017, M.Sc./Ph.D.
OGSST (2015-2016)
Currently: Director of Medical Engineering, UHN and Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Esther Kho (Medical Biophysics UWO and University of Groningen), 2013 -2014, M.Sc. (co-supervised with Dr. M.J.W. Greuter)
Currently: Biomedical Engineer, OnePlanet Research Center, Nijmegan, The Netherlands
Brittney Castrilli (Graduate Program in Neuroscience), 2015-2018, M.Sc. (co-supervised with Dr. S. Mirsattari)
Currently: Analyst Healthcare Business Group & Consumer Business Group, 3M
Ali Attaran, Ph.D., 2016-2017
Currently: Staff Scientist, Physics & Astronomy, Western
Sagar Buch, Ph.D., 2017-2019
Currently: Assistant Professor, Dept of Radiology, Wayne State University, USA
Gabriel Benigno, MSc, 2017-2019
Currently: Postdoc, Centre for Neural Science, NYU, Newy York, USA
Omer Oran, Post Doc., 2017-2019
Currently: MR Collaboration Scientist at Siemens Healthineers
Megha Verma, MSc, 2018-2021
Currently: PhD in the Owen lab
Eric Kuindersma, MSc, 2019-2021
Currently: Audiologist, HearingLife, Niagara region, Ontario, Canada
Olivia Stanley, PhD, 2015-2021
Currently: Vice President, Data Cognition Team, Bank of Montreal, Toronto
Geoffery Ngo, PhD, 2016-2022
Currently: Cryptology Analyst, Communications Security Establishment Canada, Ottawa, Canada
Rob Bartha's Lab
Mohamed Kassem, MD Equivalent (MBBCH); MSc (Diagnostic Radiology),2001-2002
Project:Development of Short Echo-Time Proton Spectroscopy and Perfusion Imaging for the Study of Stroke and Epilepsy
Currently: Hospital position in Cairo
Simona Nikolova, PhD, Medical Biophysics, 2002-2006
Project: Investigating Magnetic Resonance Transverse Relaxation with Adiabatic Refocusing: Applications to Acute Cerebral Ischemia
Current Position: Scientist, ViewRay, Inc, Orange County, CA, USA
Monique Mazzuca, MSc, Medical Biophysics, 2002-2005
Project: Histological Correlates of Temporal Changes of N-acetylaspartate Levels Detected with 1H MR Spectroscopy in Rat Models of Neurodegeneration
Current Position: Physician (Family Practice), Toronto, Ontario
Todd Stevens, PhD, Medical Biophysics, 2002-2007, Ph.D.
Project: Magnetic Resonance Investigations of Partial Epilepsy
Current Position: Medical Physicist, St. John Regional Hospital, New Brunswick
Jennifer McNab, MSc, Medical Biophysics, 2003-2005
Project:Metabolic Imaging in Low Grade Glioma
Currently:Assistant Professor, Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
James Near, PhD, Medical Biophysics,2004-2009
Project:Metabolic Imaging of Citrate in Prostate Cancer
Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of McGill, Quebec / Researcher, Douglas Institute, Quebec
Alex Li, PhD, Medical Biophysics, 2004-2009
Project:Development of PARACEST MRI for Cancer Characterization
Currently: CFMM Research Technologist
Ziqi Sun, PhD (Physical Chemistry), Virginia Polytechnic Institute,2004-2006
Project:High Resolution Metabolic Imaging in Small Animal Models of Cerebral Ischemia
Currently: Research Scientist, Ohio State University
Raul Rupsingh, MSc, Medical Biophysics, 2005-2009,
Project:Proton Spectroscopy in Alzheimer Disease
Currently: Chief Executive Officer, PointerWare, Toronto, ON
Sean Nestor, MSc, Medical Biophysics, 2007-2009
Project: Monitoring Alzheimer Progression With Volumetric Imaging
Currently: Medical School, University of Toronto
Jacob Penner, PhD, Medical Biophysics,2007-2014
Project:Proton Spectroscopy in Alzheimer Disease
Currently: Post-Doctoral Fellow (with Dr. Peter Williamson), Lawson Research
Robert Ta, MSc, Medical Biophysics, 2008-2011
Project: Development of Targeted MRI Contrast Agents
Currently: Medical School, Trinity College Dublin
Izabela Kowalczyk, PhD, Medical Biophysics, 2008-2014
Project: fMRI studies following Decompression Surgery in Cervical Myelopathy
Currently: Consultant, Kingston, Ontario
Diego Cantor, PhD, Biomedical Engineering,2008-2015, Ph.D., co-supervisor Dr. Rob Bartha
Project:Morphological Changes in Alzheimer Disease and Epilepsy
Currently: Machine Learning Engineer, Awake Labs, Toronto, Ontario,
Amanda Khan, MSc, Medical Biophysics, 2009-2011
Project:An Analysis of Brain Lateral Ventricular Sub-Volume Expansion in Subjects with Alzheimer Disease
Currently: MD Student, University of Toronto
Nevin McVicar, PhD, Medical Biophysics, 2009-2014
Project:Development of Novel PARACEST MRI Methods
Currently:Medical Physicist, British Columbia Cancer Agency
John Drozd, PhD, University of Western Ontario,2009-2013
Project:Image Processing Methods for the Early Detection of Alzheimer Disease
Currently:Research Assistant, Physics and Astronomy
Mojmir Suchy, PhD (Faculty of Science), Pavol Jozef afrik University Koice, Slovak Republic,2009-2013
Project: Development and Synthesis of Novel PARACEST MRI Contrast Agents
Currently: Research Associate, University of Ottawa
Sandy Gonalves, MSc, Medical Biophysics, 2011-2014
Project: Neural Correlates of Spinal Cord Decompression Surgery
Currently:Research Associate, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Jonatan Snir, PhD, Medical Biophysics,2011-2015
Project:Cathepsin-D: A Novel Imaging Target for Alzheimer Disease Detection
Currently: Medical Physicist, London Regional Cancer Program
Samaneh Kazemifar, PhD, Medical Biophysics,2011-2016
Project:;Development of Imaging Markers of Alzheimer Disease Progression
Currently: PDF, University of Texas Southwestern
Todd Stevens, PhD, University of Western Ontario 2011-2012.
Project:Cancer Detection and Analysis by PARACEST MRI
Currently: Medical Physicist, St. John Regional Hospital
Kamini Marathe, MSc, Medical Biophysics, 2013-2015
Project:pH Mapping using AACID-CEST MRI in Human Brain
Currently:Nursing Student, Fanshawe College
Kayla Ryan, PhD Candidate, Medical Biophysics,2013-2018
Project: Variation in Motor Function in Cervical Myelopathy
John Adams MSc Candidate, Medical Biophysics 2016-2018
Project: MR Spectroscopy in Epilepsy
Samir Atiya, PhD, University of Western Ontario, 2016-2017
Project: Metabolic and Functional Brain State: New Indicators of Alzheimer's Disease
Amy Schranz, PhD, University of Western Ontario, 2015-2019
Project: MR Spectroscopy in Concussion
Currently: Medical School University College Dublin
Dixon Wong, MD, Ph.D., 2017-2019
Project: High Field MRI Studies of Brain Changes in Early Alzheimer's Disease
Currently: Finishing MD schooling at Western University
Patrick McCunn, , Ph.D., 2014-2020
Project: Diffusion Tensor Imaging in a mouse model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Helma Heidari, MsC., 2020-2022
Project: long term effects of COVID-19
Justin Johnson, MsC., 2020-2022
Project: DTI of the Aorta
Stefan Everling's Lab
Dr. Christopher Tinsley, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2000
Matthew Brown, M.Sc., Ph.D. 2001-2007
Dr. Joesph DeSouza, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2001-2004
Kirten Ford, Ph.D., 2002-2009
Michael Koval,M.Sc.,Ph.D. 2004-2012
Courtney Field,M.Sc., 2004-2006
Helen Levin, M.Sc., 2004-2006
Jessica Phillips,M.Sc., Ph.D., 2006-2012
Stephen Wegener, M.Sc., 2006-2008
Victor Sanders,M.Sc., 2007-2009
Michelle Bale, M.Sc., 2009-2011
Iman Janemi, M.Sc.,2009-2011
Sabeeha Hussein, M.Sc., 2010-2012
Kevin Skoblenick, Ph.D.,2010-2014
Nikoo Hashemi, M.Sc., 2013-2015
Brandon Belbeck, M.Sc., 2013-2015
Dr.Kevin Johnston, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2003-2007
Currently: Research Scientist, Robarts Research
Dr. Andrew Graham, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2007-2008
Dr. Daniel Kaping, Postdoctoral Fellow 2010-2011
Dr. R. Matthew Hutchison, Postdoctoral Fellow,2012-2013
Dr. Susheel Vijayraghavan, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2011-2016
Currently: Research Scientist, Robarts Research
Jason Chan, PhD ,2012-2018
David Schaeffer, Postdoctoral Fellow,2017-2020
Currently:University of Pittsburg, Assistant Professor
Alex Major, PhD,
Ramina Adams, PhD,
Liya Ma, Post Doctoral Fellow,
Maryam Ghahremani, PhD,
Yuki Hori, Post Doctoral Fellow,
Currently: Professor in Japan
Justine Clergy, Post Doctoral Fellow,
Currently: Professor at McGill
Ali Khan's Lab
Kristin Ikeda, Neuroscience, Masters student (Sept 2016-Aug 2017).Jointly co-supervised with Seyed Mirsattari
Currently:Assistant Professor Epileptologist at Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS
Project:Brain networks in people after a first unprovoked seizure.
Charlotte Blinston, Biomedical Engineering, Masters student (Sept 2013-May 2017, includes leave of absence).
Currently:Research Coordinator at the Ontario Brain Institute, Toronto, ON
Project:Histological quantification in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Jordan DeKraker, Psychology, Masters student (Sept 2014-Aug 2016)
Currently:Post doc at mcgill
Project: Unravelling the subfields of the hippocampal head using 7-Tesla structural MRI.
Utsav Pardasani, Biomedical Engineering, Masters student (Sept 2014-Nov 2016).
Currently:Engineer with ClearPath Robotics, Kitchener, ON.
Project: Neurosurgical ultrasound pose estimation using image-based registration and sensor-based fusion - a feasibility study.
Diego Cantor, Biomedical Engineering, PhD student (Sept 2010-April 2015)
Currently:CTO at Awake Labs Inc, Toronto, ON.
Project: Multivariate analysis of MR images in temporal lobe epilepsy.
Maged Goubran, Biomedical Engineering, PhD student (Sept 2010-Nov 2014)
Currently:Post-doctoral Fellow at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Project: Quantitative MRI correlates of hippocampal and neocortical pathology in intractable temporal lobe epilepsy.
John DeMarco, Clinical Anatomy, MSc student
Roy Haast, Clinical Anatomy, Post-doctoral Fellow
Geetika Gupta, Masters student
Currently: Med school/p>
Project: functional organization of the human frontoparietal cortex with fMRI.
Uzair Hussain,Post-doctoral Fellow
Project: computational diffusion MRI modelling and simulation for Quantifying cortical architecture.
Loxlan Kasa,Post-doctoral Fellow
Project: applying advanced MRI techniques to quantify brain microstructure in patients with neuropathological disorder and diseases.
Sudesna Chakraborty, PhD, 2016-2023
Corey Baron's Lab
Aidin Arbabi, Medical Biophysics, Postdoctoral Researcher, (2018-2019)
Project:DTI Imaging
Kevin Borsos, MSc Medical Biophysics, 2019-21
Project:DTI Imaging